
The Animal Welfare Regulations Require The Iacuc To Do What Two Things Regarding Alternatives?

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Commission

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  • Responsibilities
  • Membership
  • Semiannual Program Reviews And Facility Inspections
  • Semiannual Report to the Institutional Official
  • Protocol Review
  • Postapproval Monitoring
  • Addressing Animate being Welfare Concerns
  • Suspension of Fauna Activities


The IACUC is responsible for oversight of the brute care and use plan and its components as described in the Public Wellness Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide ). Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer Its oversight functions include an ongoing assessment of animal care and use. IACUC responsibilities include:

  • Review, at least semiannually, the institution's program for the humane intendance and use of animals;
  • Inspect, at to the lowest degree semiannually, the institution's creature facilities (including satellite facilities);
  • Prepare reports to the Institutional Official (IO) of the IACUC evaluations;
  • Review animal welfare concerns;
  • Brand recommendations to the IO on whatsoever aspect of the fauna program, facilities, or personnel training;
  • Review and approve, those components of PHS conducted or supported activities related to the care and use of animals;
  • Review and approve, proposed meaning changes to the use of animals in ongoing activities; and
  • Be authorized to suspend an action involving animals.


[Five People]The IACUC membership must consist of at to the lowest degree v members and includes:

  • 1 veterinary with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine, who has direct or delegated authority and responsibility for activities involving animals at the institution;
  • one practicing scientist experienced in inquiry with animals;
  • one member whose main concerns are in a nonscientific expanse (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, member of the clergy); and
  • one member who is not affiliated with the institution other than as a member of the IACUC.

Semiannual Programme Reviews and Facility Inspections

"An animal intendance and use program ... comprises all activities conducted by and at an institution that have a direct impact on the well-existence of animals, including animal and veterinary care, policies and procedures, personnel and plan management and oversight, occupational wellness and safety, IACUC functions, and animal facility design and management." (Guide, p. 11)

[3 People, One With Clipboard]The IACUC monitors the animal intendance and use program past conducting thorough reviews of the programme and inspections of the animal facilities. All PHS funded programs must conduct programme reviews and facility inspections at least every 6 months. The standards in the Guideare used by the IACUC as the basis for conducting its reviews.

Facility reviews are a physical inspection of all buildings, rooms, areas, enclosures and vehicles (including satellite facilities in which animals are housed for more 24 hours) that are used for animate being solitude, send, maintenance, breeding, or experiments inclusive of surgical manipulation. No member wishing to participate in an evaluation may be excluded from participating. The Animal Welfare Human activity and Regulations (AWAR) crave fauna study areas where regulated species are maintained for more than than 12 hours to be included in the semiannual facility inspections.

A Sample Semiannual Program and Facility Review Checklist is bachelor to assist IACUC'due south in performing this task. OLAW encourages institutions to use or change the certificate to arrange the institution'due south needs. The last page of the checklist provides a summary page for noting and tracking deficiencies.

Semiannual Written report to the Institutional Official

Afterward review and inspection, a study (including any minority views) is compiled and provided to the IO near the status of the plan including any recommendations. The report will include a clarification of the nature and extent of the Institution's adherence to the Guide, any departures from the Guide, identified specifically with reasons for each difference stated. The report will note any program or facility deficiencies, distinguish significant deficiencies from minor deficiencies, and include plans and schedules for correcting each deficiency. A meaning deficiency is defined every bit one that is or may be a threat to animal health or safety.

A sample semiannual written report to the IO is available to assist IACUCs in preparing this report.

Note, semiannual reports to the IO should simply exist submitted to OLAW if requested, or if the institution is submitting a new or renewal Animal Welfare Assurance to OLAW and is not accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer However, if serious or standing deviations from PHS Policy are identified, they should be reported to OLAW promptly. The next section - Reports and Recordkeeping - describes PHS Policy reporting requirements in greater detail.

Protocol Review

The IACUC oversees the specific use of animals by formally reviewing animal use protocols and granting approving prior to the work commencing. The 2 valid methods of protocol review are either full committee review (FCR) or designated member review (DMR). (PHS Policy 4.C.2.)

FCR may only be conducted at a convened meeting with a quorum (simple bulk) of members present. A majority vote of the quorum present is needed to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approving of a protocol. When substantive modifications are required in a protocol to secure approval, the resubmitted protocol must exist reviewed using either FCR or DMR.

DMR may occur only later on all IACUC members have been provided with a list of the protocols to be reviewed and have an opportunity to phone call for FCR. If FCR is not requested, at least ane member of the IACUC qualified to conduct the review is designated by the Chair. DMR may upshot in approval, require modifications in (to secure blessing), or request FCR. DMR may not result in disapproval.

OLAW formally recognized an alternative practise for protocol review subsequent to FCR in NOT-OD-09-035 (Guidance to IACUCs Regarding the Use of DMR for Animal Study Proposal Review Subsequent to FCR). USDA concurs with this alternative practice.

IACUC approval of proposed animate being activities or meaning changes to previously canonical fauna activities is granted subsequently FCR or DMR. Additionally, institutions may establish and IACUCs may approve policies (e.grand., guidance documents, standard operating procedures, drug formularies) for the bear of animal activities. These policies must be reviewed by the IACUC at appropriate intervals of no less that in one case every 3 years to ensure they are appropriate and accurate.

The responsibilities of the IACUC regarding review and approval of proposed pregnant changes to beast activities can be plant in the PHS Policy IV.C.1 . The IACUC has some discretion to ascertain what it considers a significant change, or to found a mechanism for determining pregnant on a case-by-case ground according to PHS Policy IV.C.i.a.-g. It is the IACUC's responsibleness to clearly define and communicate its policy for determining significance to investigators. To acquire more about what is considered a significant change to an animal activity that requires IACUC review, run across NIH Guide Find NOT-OD-14-126 or Pregnant Changes webpage.

The PHS Policy and the AWARs state that no IACUC fellow member may participate in the IACUC review or approving of an activity in which that member has a conflicting interest (e.g., is personally involved in the activity) except to provide information requested by the IACUC. Neither recused nor excluded members may contribute to the quorum necessary to behave IACUC concern. (Lab Animal 2010: 39(6)) (PDF)

The PHS Policy endorses the "U.Southward. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training" (U.South. Government Principles). The IACUC is expected to include consideration of the U.S. Government Principles in its review of protocols. Protocols must conform to the institution's Assurance and meet PHS Policy requirements in section Four.C.1.a.-g.

The Guide (pp. 25-26) describes specific topic areas that should be considered in the training of a protocol by the PI and in the review by the IACUC.

The Guide (pp. 27-33) describes certain protocols that include procedures or approaches that require special consideration during the IACUC review process due to the potential for animal welfare concerns.

Postapproval Monitoring

Monitoring of animal intendance and use is required by the PHS Policy. The Guide (p. 33) describes methods for continuing review to include "continuing protocol review; laboratory inspections (conducted either during regular facilities inspections or separately); veterinary or IACUC observation of selected procedures; observation of animals past fauna care, veterinary, and IACUC staff and members; and external regulatory inspections and assessments."

Standing protocol review may consist of an almanac update. "Some institutions use the annual review equally an opportunity for the investigator to submit proposed amendments for hereafter procedures, to provide a description of any adverse or unanticipated events, and to provide updates on work progress." (Guide, p. 34) The PHS Policy determines the maximum interval between IACUC review and approval as 3 years, i.e., a complete review is required at least every 3 years. The review must cover all of the criteria in the Policy at Four.C.1.a.-g. Animal work may not exist administratively extended beyond the 3-twelvemonth expiration date.

Addressing Beast Welfare Concerns

"The establishment must develop methods for reporting and investigating animal welfare concerns, and employees should exist aware of the importance of and mechanisms for reporting animal welfare concerns." (Guide, p. 23).

The IACUC has a mandate to evaluate concerns regarding the care and use of animals. Concerns may be raised by staff or employees of the establishment, individuals in the community, or even members of the IACUC. Information technology is a skilful idea for the IACUC to develop guidelines or procedures for handling allegations of mistreatment or noncompliance before such allegations are raised. The IACUC should likewise be cognizant of the rights of whistleblowers nether the AWA, which prohibits discrimination confronting or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards under the AWA.

Suspension of Animal Activities

The IACUC is empowered to suspend a project if it finds noncompliance with the PHS Policy, Guide, Assurance, or violations of the Creature Welfare Regulations. Suspension may occur only afterward review of the affair at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC, and with the suspension vote of a majority of the quorum present. Further, the IACUC must consult with the IO regarding the reasons for the suspension. The IO is required to take appropriate corrective action and report the activeness and the circumstances surrounding the interruption to OLAW. Because an IACUC action to append a project is a serious matter, the action must exist reported to OLAW promptly. Additional information can be constitute on the Reporting Noncompliance webpage.

Go to side by side department: Reports and Recordkeeping.


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