
What Animals Are Poached In The Amazon Rainforest

Deforestation, climate change, illegal hunting and ecology contamination are constant threats to the livelihoods and habitats of many species of Amazon animals that rely on the forests and ecosystems surrounding the Amazon River to survive and thrive.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) based in Gland, Switzerland, is the globe'south oldest and largest global environmental network bringing together governments, non-government organizations, Un agencies, companies and local communities to conduct scientific inquiry, create policy and operate field projects which further wildlife protection and conservation. Each year, the IUCN publishes the IUCN Ruby-red List identifying threatened, vulnerable, endangered, and critically endangered species worldwide. The May 2013 Red List includes over 2,600 animals in Due south America with 118 of these located in Peru. Many of these threatened animals live in the Amazon Rainforest including the Giant Otter, South American Tapir, and Red Faced Uakari Monkey.

Otter-swimmingAn Amazon icon, the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is the largest species within the weasel family (Mustelidae) and the most social. While rarely spotted in the northern Amazon, Giant Otters are one of the normally encountered animals of the Amazonian Rainforest in areas such as Tambopata National Reserve and Manu National Park in southern Republic of peru, where they feed on Amazon fish and crustaceans. Tragically, Behemothic Otter habitat destruction and illegal hunting keep to threaten this beautiful species and their numbers continue to decrease.


The Due south American Tapir (Tapirus terrestris), along with the giant otter and the jaguar, are considered the "big iii" for travelers to see in South America. Tapir are hoofed mammals that inhabit the Amazonian forests of Peru, Brazil, and Republic of bolivia. Despite their bulky advent, tapirs are masters at moving, remarkably quickly, through impenetrable woods terrain. They have thick skin and feed off dirt to obtain diverse essential minerals.

Due to local hunting of the animals of the amazonian rainforest, loss of habitat, and depression reproductive rates, environmentalists have long been pushing for tapir preservation and conservation. The Greater Madidi-Tambopata Mural Conservation Program is currently working with the governments of Bolivia and Peru to amend regulate the construction, logging, and excessive hunting that have reduced both existing populations likewise as reproductive rates among lowland tapirs.

Uakari Monkey

The red-faced Uakari (Cacajao calvus) is 1 of the virtually endangered monkeys in the Amazon Rainforest. The name 'Uakari' stems from an extinct tribe that inhabited the Amazon Rainforest many centuries ago. Habitat destruction and hunting continue to threaten this monkey and their numbers are always-decreasing. All the same, efforts to protect the Uakari are widespread, in fact, the Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve was established for this very purpose.

What countries does the Amazon rainforest encompass?

The Amazon spans nine countries which are Republic of peru, Republic of colombia, Republic of ecuador, Bolivia, Suriname, French Guiana, Republic of guyana, Venezuela and of course Brazil.The Amazon Rainforest is a vast area of ii.ane million square miles institute within the Amazon Basin which is 2.7 1000000 square miles.

Why is The Pygmy Sloth an endangered species?

The Pygmy Sloth is condign an endangered species. The chief ii reasons are their environment is beingness destroyed and they are being poached. The ruby mangrove copse are the home of the pygmy three toed sloth and they are being cut down which is putting pressure on the sloth population.

Why is the Amazon rainforest becoming endangered?

The Amazon River is an amazing biodiverse area with many unique species of plants and animals. It is nether threat because of many factors including climatic change, habitat devastation, deforestation and hunting. Unfortunately, this is just a snapshot of the hundreds of threatened species of Amazon wildlife.

 Continued efforts to enforce wild animals conservation protections are of paramount importance if we are to sustain the natural Amazon habitats we see on our cruises at Aqua Expeditions.

Our team at Aqua Expeditions continues to exist committed to sustainable management of natural resource in the Amazon. For more information well-nigh our support of specific environmental conservation and wildlife preservation projects, read about the recent release of the River Manatees on Wild World Day and our ongoing efforts to restore populations of Taricaya Turtles in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve.

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